Can I Submit Forms Online?
You can submit your German tax forms online at
You need to make sure to download (for free) the most current version of the tax software onto your system. Alternatively you can also get the required software (for free) on CD-ROM from your local Finanzamt.
Please note that you also need to submit a paper version of your forms with your personal signature after you have submitted your details electronically. If you decide not to submit an electronic version, it is also acceptable to submit the paper version only (not for freelancer and contractor).
You can also use an electronic signature instead of your personal signature if you submit your details authenticated. In this case you have to register on ElsterOnline-Portal. With your registration you get an Elster-certificate as an electronic form of your signature, which offers highest security.
Where Can I Find Paper Forms?
You can pick up a paper version in your local Finanzamt
How can I Identify my Local Tax Office?
To find out which Finanzamt you need to report your taxes to you can use this online tool:
Are Tax Forms Available in English?
German tax forms are unfortunately only available in German language.